Archive: Team
Emily Reash
Associate BA in PsychologyProject Management Certificate Emily Reash has extensive experience in leading cross-functional teams and stakeholders to deliver programs, events, and strategic ini
Category: Team
Michelle Healey
Associate MED in Higher Education Administration BA in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Corporate Communications Michelle Healey offers almost 10 years of higher education exp
Category: Team
Jaclyn Jones
Associate Master of Health AdministrationBS in Health Science with a minor in Business Administration Jaclyn Jones has more than 8 years of experience in higher education with a specific emph
Category: Team
Rebekah Zacharias
Associate MPS in Project Management (SCS ’22)BBA in Finance and Sport, Event, Tourism, and Hospitality ManagementProject Management Professional Certificate Bekah Zacharias has worked at Geor
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Our Team
Members of the Business Design & Optimization Group are seasoned professionals that act as an extension of your team while supporting you with your initiative. Led by Adam Donaldson, Vice P
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Rebecca Cassidy
Senior Associate MBABS in PsychologySage Future Leaders Program (MSB ’18)Project Management Certificate (SCS ’23)Global Career Development Facilitator Certificate Rebecca Cassidy gained her 1
Category: Team
Timothy Sajal Klee
Manager JDMPPBA in Political Science and Public PolicyStrategic Public Relations Graduate CertificateCompliance and Ethics Certificate T. Sajal Klee has more than 16 years of experience in hi
Category: Team
Tuboise Floyd
Associate Tuboise Floyd, Ph.D., CF-APMP, has extensive experience in project management in a variety of areas ranging from information technology, public health, retail, and education (K12 a
Category: Team
Jennifer Backoff
Manager MS in Higher Education Administration and PolicyBS in Psychology with a Business CertificateCrisis Communication Certificate Jennie Backoff has over 10 years of experience in higher e
Category: Team
Hannah Hahn
Senior Associate MED in Adult LearningBA in English Linguistics and LiteratureBS in Politics and DiplomacyOrganizational Development Consulting and Change Leadership Executive Certificate (SCS ‘
Category: Team